We can take your unworn, sentimental 9ct, 18ct or 22ct gold jewellery and remodel the precious metal & gemstones, to re-create a unique piece of bespoke jewellery, just for you! This piece was handmade using old 22ct gold and a loose turquoise, belonging to a customer, no longer worn but still holding great sentimental value.
By remodlleing gold jewellery you may already have in your possession, or may have inherited you have the opportunity to design a new piece of jewellery that’s meaningful to you, creating a unique piece of jewellery to suit your personal taste and style.
Many people have unloved and unworn jewellery, odd earrings and broken bits and bobs lying in the bottom of their jewellery box, but they don’t know it’s even possible to recycle it. However, with a little heat and effort it can be made into a beautiiful piece of new jewellery, to be worn everyday. Here at LuLu & Charles Jewellery we love the transformation of giving old jewellery a new lease of life.
What’s more, gold prices have reached record highs over the past few years and the cost of new gold jewellery can be prohibitive so recycling makes perfect sense. By using your own metal you get to keep the value of your gold and turn it into something precious at a fraction of the retail cost of a new piece of jewelley, with sentiment intact.
If you’d like to breathe new life into you’re old jewellery please don’t hesitate to get in touch, we’d be happy to help!